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Kapustin S. V. Practical paradigm of personality's civil education

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УДК 37.035:373

DOI 10.25140/2412-1185-2017-2(10)-34-42

С. В. Капустін, аспірант


Анотація. Автор підкреслює, що дієвість світогляду забезпечується практичною участю особистості у значимих доступних їй державних і суспільних справах; практичні заняття з громадянського виховання, проведення публічних заходів і створення в навчальному закладі активної діяльнісної атмосфери зарекомендували себе в розвинених країнах в якості ефективних інструментів прищеплення дітям і молоді ідеалів демократизму, поваги до прав людини і цивілізованої, толерантної комунікації.

Ключові слова: людина; культура; освіта; виховання; світогляд; компетенції.

С. В. Капустин, аспірант


Аннотация. Автор подчеркивает, что действенность мировоззрения обеспечивается практическим участием личности в значимых доступных ей государственных и общественных делах; практические занятия по гражданскому воспитанию, проведение публичных мероприятий и создание в учебном заведении активной деятельной атмосферы зарекомендовали себя в развитых странах в качестве эффективных инструментов прививки детям и молодѐжи идеалов демократии, уважения к правам человека и цивилизованной толерантной коммуникации.

Ключевые слова: человек; культура; образование; воспитание; мировоззрение; компетенции.

S. V. Kapustin, Postgraduate Student


Urgency of the research. The practical field of civic education is recognized as an essential ele-ment of the educational process in any educational institution.
Target setting. There is a need for a significant strengthening of the practical component of civil and patriotic education in today's Ukrainian school. Only in this case you can really achieve significant pedagogical-educational and competency-humanistic goals, on which basis the holistic outlook of each student is formed.
Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Researchers pay considerable attention to the theoretical-methodological foundations of civic education of pupils in general education institutions. In particular, P. Verbytska, T. Nesterenko, S. Malakhova, Yu. Moskalenko, O. Pometun analyze theoretical principles of forming the civic competence of the youth. M. Babkina, Z. Horova, V. Kosenko, L. Rekhteta emphasizes the civil education of students in extracurricular activities. In general, the re-searchers agree that the new challenges of modern realities in the context of the transformation of society dictate new approaches to civic education.
Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. In the context of this problem, the socially-competent improvement of the individual of each student becomes of particular importance. Therefore, there is an urgent need to consider innovational and humanistic technologies of education and up-bringing, through which the ideology of a particular young person of the ideals of democracy, justice and tolerance actualizes.
The research objective. To analyze the complex nature of civil-patriotic education in an educa-tional institution, that is the basis of the formation of a practical model of civil formation of the individual.
The statement of basic materials. The author emphasizes that the practical participation of the individual in the significant civil and public affairs provides an effective world outlook; practical classes on civil education, public events and the creation of an active atmosphere in an educational institution have proven themselves in developed countries as effective tools for inculcating children and young people the ideals of democracy, respect for human rights and civilized, tolerant communication.
Conclusions. It is important to combine educative-cognitive, practical-active, artistic-creative and emotional-psychological component in the segment of the educational process oriented at the upbringing of patriotism and national-cultural consciousness, on which the competence-oriented approach in education is oriented. At last, a rather stable discursive consensus has emerged in the national education community as to the need to intensify patriotic education as one of the most effective elements in the formation of a students' holistic worldview.

Keywords: human; culture; education; upbringing; worldview; competencies.

Read 6338 times Last modified on Monday, 04 December 2017 10:35