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Yuda L. A. Methodological aspects of the study of gender relations in Ukrainian family

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УДК 305:392.31(=161.2)

DOI 10.25140/2412-1185-2017-2(10)-117-123

Л. А. Юда, к. пед. н., доцент


Анотація. У статті розглядаються гендерні відносини в українській родині, актуалізується науковий інструментарій, який дозволяє схарактеризувати самобутність української сім’ї як соціального інституту. Аналізуються етнопедагогічні традиції виховання в українській родині, застосовується гендерний підхід для визначення ролі української сім’ї в процесі со-ціалізації і самоідентифікації жінок і чоловіків.

Ключові слова: гендер; гендерні ролі; гендерний підхід; сім`я; функції сім`ї; етнопедагогіка; виховні традиції.

Л. А. Юда, к. пед. н., доцент


Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются гендерные отношения в украинской семье, актуализируется научный инструментарий, который позволяет охарактеризовать самобытность украинской семьи как социального института. Анализируются этнопедагогические традиции воспитания в украинской семье, употребляется гендерный подход для определения роли украинской семьи в процессе социализации и самоидентификации женщин и мужчин.

Ключевые слова: гендер; гендерные роли; гендерный подход; семья; функции семьи; этнопедагогика; воспитательные традиции.

L. A. Yuda, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences,
Associate Professor


Urgency of the research is determined by the modern transformational processes experienced by the most stable institution of social life – the family.
Target setting. The institute of the family is inextricably linked with gender as a necessary construct of practical transformations in social relations, the components of which the basic component is the status of a woman and a man. This approach addresses the problem of developing a gender ap-proach to the study of Ukrainian family traditions of upbringing.
Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. In recent years, research on gender has become much more active in domestic pedagogy and ethnopedagogy. Most of the works are devoted to the theoretical foundations of the formation of a gender ideology (O. Vasylchenko, T. Hovorun, T. Holovanova, O. Hryshak, O. Kikinedzhi, I. Muntian, N. Prykhodko); family and marriage relations became the subject of research by I. Barvinskyi, O. Kravets, H. Lozko, A. Onyshchuk, M. Stelmakhovych, Yu. Stupak. N. Lavrynenko, V. Kravets. are studying the gender relations in the Ukrainian family.
Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. An unusual and little-studied is the combination of gender and family. The author declares the relationship between gender and ethnopedagogy.
The research objective. To isolate, analyze and systematize theoretical and methodological prin-ciples of the research of gender relations in the Ukrainian family.
The statement of basic materials. The gender relations in the Ukrainian family are considered. The main result of gender studies is the creation of a gender theory - a system of scientific views on the status of men and women in society, on their social-role characteristics and features. Gender discourse marked a new level of theoretical understanding of social processes.
Studying the institution of the family and the gender roles distribution in it can determine the func-tions of women and men in the family.
Conclusions. The gender approach allows us to characterize the process of forming parity relations and relationships in the Ukrainian family in the historical retrospective and to determine the conditions for the formation of the social-role status of both male and female in the Ukrainian family on this basis, which will contribute to the development of a gender-sensitive egalitarian society.

Keywords: gender; gender roles; gender approach; family; family functions; ethno-pedagogy; educational traditions.



Read 7443 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 December 2017 13:46